Ultreia is an app that wants to help make it easier and deepen your personal meditation and your prayer in the Camino de Santiago. Ultreia is primarily a Christian resource. Accompany the unique experience of pilgrimage along the Via Jacobea with a complete set of reflections, suggestions and helps illuminate each day and help you to pray. Starting from the Word of God, the faith of the Church, of the Jacobean tradition, the experience of the pilgrims, your path takes depth and luminosity.Nothing more start the application will ask you to indicate what day you will start the way and when it will end. Do not worry, youre always time to correct the data. Just from those two dates, the application will prepare a plan of prayer for you. Each day the initial screen will present our proposal, but you also have access to all the texts if you prefer to make your own choice: a total of 30 daily meditations plus two preparatory and two conclusive.Other contents of the application refer to the road and its significance, the Jacobean tradition, the actual meaning of the pilgrimage, hospitality and lodging or volunteering. Prayer on the menu we present an introduction to personal prayer, as well as other suggestions for liturgical prayer or devotions. Personal service lets you send e-mail a request for prayers for you or for your needs as well as counseling or spiritual direction.Celebration section introduces you to the world of the Liturgy and the Sacraments: Penance how to celebrate the Eucharist, the blessings or Evening Prayer at the hostel. It includes a small pilgrim songbook.And we are preparing new sections devoted to the Word of God, the Church on the Way, etc ...Ultreia is made by the Delegation for the Popular Religiosity of the Diocese of Zamora (Spain), in collaboration with several priests and communities of the Way. We put this tool in your hands forward to help you make your way. Ultreia and Suseia. Good Way, brother!